Invest with Certainty

“You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd (agrees or) disagrees with you.

You are right because your data and reasoning are right.” – Benjamin Graham

Like to know what really works with investing?

We believe this investment method works – regardless of the economic conditions.

WHY are you investing?

Is it for income?

Is it to make your capital grow?

TIP: Always invest either for growth or income and growth. Never invest for just income only.

If you are looking to invest for income and growth or just want to make your money grow for now, read on…

Why do our clients like their investment portfolios?  Take a look at The WISEplanning investing philosophy…

The value method

This methodology made famous by Warren Buffett and his less well-known colleague Charlie Munger, was founded by Benjamin Graham about the same time that Harry Markowitz began developing what is now known as modern portfolio theory.

What we have here are two very different investment methodologies.

Modern portfolio theory is by far the more widely used around the investment world, although value investing developed by Benjamin Graham and further advanced by Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, is arguably a better way to invest.

Most people do not understand the difference between the two methods.

Modern Portfolio Theory

In simple terms, modern portfolio theory is based on the idea that diversification helps to manage risk.

“Risk” is seen as the variability in the cash up value of an investment portfolio – otherwise known as volatility.

The big idea here is to diversify as widely as possible in the hope that volatility is minimised and that in the event an investment within the portfolio defaults, that its weighting will be minimal and therefore it will have minimal impact on the overall investment portfolio.

Without a doubt, this method is valid. The real question though is whether or not this investment methodology is right?

Value Investing = investing success

Initially, this was about investing in shares whose price had declined significantly to the point where those businesses could be purchased at a price that was below the value of cash sitting in those businesses’ bank accounts.

This meant that those shares were “cheap” or good value.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger progressed value investing further.

They figured that cheap investments whilst a good idea on the surface, however, takes no account of the underlying quality of the investment (the business).

This became known as “the cigar butt” theory. Basically, you could pick up a used cigar butt that was still burning out of the gutter and you might get a couple of free puffs. Of course, the quality of the experience of a soggy, used “pre loved” cigar butt is altogether a different issue!

First there was price, then there was value

Over time, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, working together, realised that they could invest using a simple methodology that protected their capital and gave them real growth over the long term. Eventually this method generated billions of dollars for them and their shareholders.

It was obvious to them but few could understand how they did it!

Intriguingly, as Warren Buffett has commented occasionally, he has seen no swing toward value investing as a methodology, even after all these years of continuing success.

Anyway, the methodology is straightforward enough and whilst few investors have Warren Buffett’s or Charlie Munger’s skill, their ideas and methods are transferable. WISEplanning has adapted their core methodology, for many years, with success.

By the way, we are not suggesting that Warren Buffett’s skill is transferable nor that his success in the past somehow guarantees that we can emulate his results in the future. Even he is struggling to keep up with his past results although this we believe is about market conditions rather than a method that is fraught.

For example, whenever markets are in a strong bull run and very happy, Value Investing usually looks a bit slow. That is when the chorus of “Value Investing nay sayers” sing their loudest. Eventually, it passes. The fundamentals always matter – eventually.

As an aside, the Value Investing method meant it became difficult for us to locate investments that matched the methodology (i.e lack of quality options).

Therefore, we began looking elsewhere in the world and found that whilst still not easy, those quality investments including Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger’s business) began to stand out as obvious investments.

WISEplanning now brings this methodology to New Zealand investors (and other investors around the world who are now clients of WISEplanning).

The Business Accumulator

Although still not well understood, what is obvious to value investors is the relevance and the importance of buying the business rather than speculating on the stock.

Value investors know that the real value of an investment is driven by the performance of the business, not the trading price moving up and down.

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get”. – Ben Graham

This is an outline of the method that WISEplanning use to locate profitable investments:

  • Compare price and value

Understanding that price and intrinsic value are not the same thing provides a significant advantage for investors. The price of course is the trading price of an asset. For businesses listed on the share market, this is the trading price as per the stock exchange listing. The intrinsic value, on the other hand, is the fundamental underlying value of the actual business – as distinct from the trading price of the stock or the share. The trading price is easy to find on the internet. The intrinsic value, on the other hand, much more difficult to locate. That is because share brokers and other analysts apply a valuation methodology based more on the trading financials than the underlying fundamentals of the business.

Anyway, once we have an idea of the underlying intrinsic value, we can compare that with the price per share and have an indication as to whether this business is worth buying now or possibly at some other point in the future when the price is right.

  • Earnings growth

Earnings growth simply refers to the earnings or the profit of the business and whether or not the growth is rising over time. More specifically, we prefer to avoid businesses whose profit is erratic or either growing very slowly or not at all. Steady earnings growth over the long term may indicate a business that has a strong position in its market niche.

  • The dividend pay-out ratio

As obvious as it sounds, companies that pay out all of their dividends eventually struggle to grow, or at some point, come back to shareholders with a rights issue. This effectively means asking the shareholders to put money into the business. Many New Zealand investors hold a simplistic view about investing in the share market and like businesses that pay a healthy dividend. This is generally considered to be a sign of a good business. The reality is that businesses who consistently pay out all of their profits or a high percentage of their profits struggle to grow long term. A business that maintains its profits, reinvests the profits at a useful rate of return, can make investors rich.

  • Focus on profitability, not profit

Profit is the money that a company makes each quarter or each year in dollar terms. Profitability, on the other hand, is the ability of the business to use its capital and can be measured by return on shareholders’ funds and/or return on capital. In short, rising profits do not necessarily mean business improvement. How well businesses use their capital over the long term is a useful indicator for us as investors as to whether or not we might have a good investment. Again, consistent high levels of profitability can indicate a strong position for that business in its market niche. That is good for us as investors, particularly in the long run.

  • Growth mandate. Buy the business, not the stock or the shares

Most investors, analysts and share brokers adopt what value investors regard as a reasonably speculative approach to investing. That is because their methodology is more based on financial analysis, trading and the shares as opposed to the underlying business fundamentals. For example, the price earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is a common methodology for assessing the value of a share or stock. However, whilst the “E” or earnings component of the ratio may be accurate, the “P” or price is really a function of market sentiment. As many a value investor has commented in the past, “How can you possibly value a business based on its popularity (or unpopularity?).” Price movement rises and falls on the back of market sentiment and often has little to do with the underlying intrinsic value of a business.

To be clear, there is no judgment here on other methodologies. We just prefer our value investing method and are happy to rely on it. The point is that we are investing in the underlying business fundamentals and not playing the markets or investing in price movement or the share market financials that are subject to fickle sentiment driven influences. This is a different methodology.

  • Conviction and Discipline

Whilst financial analysis is useful if not essential, it is not the sole basis upon which value investors invest their money. As value investors, we are interested in the underlying business performance. We know that the money we will make long term will be based on the underlying business fundamentals rather than many of the other financial analysis that are widely available.

The intrinsic value of the business comes from underlying business performance – not a rising or declining share price. Indeed, the trading price for value investors is simply an entry or an exit point. By the way, value investors invest with conviction and discipline around the method. The methodology allows us to invest with high conviction and confidence because of its fundamental nature (we are not playing the markets) and helps us to avoid the usual trading activity that goes on with many portfolios. Buying and selling for value investors is minimised because we invest in the underlying business and are keen to participate in the future growth – difficult to do that if we well out.

We are not interested in trying to play the markets and therefore, the cost of running the portfolio is significantly reduced. Whilst this is not a buy and hold long term approach, we are happy buying good businesses and keeping longer term if possible. As Warren Buffett has often quipped, “My favorite holding period is forever.” This does not mean that we never sell. It does mean that we buy the business with conviction and keep it until such time as the underlying fundamentals of the business deteriorate. The point here is that a sharply declining trading price is not a reason for us to sell and certainly no reason for us to become uncomfortable, let alone panic. Whilst most investors in this area treat it as a form of high risk speculating, value investors are happy quietly selecting good businesses, sitting on them and allowing them to grow and compound over time – regardless of short term share price movement.

“In the early years, the money we make investing is determined by the voting machine (market sentiment and a rising or falling share price). Longer term though, the weighing machine (the underlying fundamentals of the business) determine how much money we make.”

Warren Buffett

Investing Certainty

Although this methodology is quite rare and not widely followed, it is fundamental and for those who invest with conviction and remain disciplined, this approach provides a methodology for investment success with a high degree of certainty.

What to do?

Sometimes it is difficult to know who to trust or what to believe. Avoid risky investments or investments that you don’t understand that can be dangerous, as well as those cunning “low cost” approaches that are shrouded in self interest that may not help you to achieve your goals. Invest using The Business Accumulator Model available at WISEplanning. That way you can invest in productive assets that will grow and keep your money safe. This can reduce stress and anxiety around investments. That is difficult to achieve when other methods that play the markets are used.

How to do it?

You can read the variety of books that are available that have been written about Warren Buffett and his method.

That might take a while.

You can surf the internet.

The challenge here is that the information about value investing is of varying degrees of quality and accuracy.  If you don’t really understand Value Investing, you could head down the wrong path.

The easy way is to contact WISEplanning and discuss how this method can help you to protect your capital, make it grow and to minimise any investing anxiety and stress – permanently.

What are you looking for?

Whether you are looking for income, growth, or both, you might like to check out how hundreds of New Zealanders and thousands of Americans over several market cycles have come to rely on Value Investing.

To be clear, this is not their preferred way to invest – it is the only way they will ever invest.

Do you understand why yet?

Click here if you would like to talk more.

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Peter Flannery - WISEplanning - Authorised Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Planner - New Zealand

Peter Flannery

“Helping everyday Kiwis who expect more … to live their lives the way they want”


Peter was raised on the family farm in Kamahi, near Edendale in Southland. He is an investor, business owner and a first generation financial adviser, having entered financial services in 1983 in Southland.


Peter now lives in Christchurch with his family. His hobbies include family time, spending time with friends, exercise, reading a good novel and time on the deck at the bach.


Peter founded WISEplanning in 1987. His 500 clients live across New Zealand and a few overseas. The ongoing expansion of WISEplanning now includes offices in Invercargill, Christchurch (HQ) and Auckland.


Peter is known among his clients for challenging common practice and conventional methodology.


He argues “People tend to follow the crowd, which is interesting, because most people are both time poor and money poor, so why follow them?”


He is known to many around New Zealand as one of few to warn in 2004 of the coming global financial crisis (The GFC) that suddenly erupted in 2008. His views were considered controversial at the time. Peter credits Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger for his most useful learning’s about investing.


Peter believes education continues throughout life. Some highlights from his recent continuing education include:


• The formal Financial Adviser training through Massey University in Palmerston North,


• The Entrepreneurial Coaching program through The Strategic Coach in Vancouver, Canada,


• The Business Owner/Manager Program through The Icehouse in New Zealand,


• The Peak Performance Program through Glazer Kennedy, Baltimore, USA


• The High Performance Program through The Elite Professionals Program in New Zealand


• The Experts Academy through Brendon Burchard, Sydney, Australia


• The Millionaire Mentor Program through Scott Harris, The Gold Coast, Australia.


As an investor, he is regularly researching markets and analysing potential investment opportunities and likes to point out to anyone who will listen that discipline around the investment method is key to success.


Peter has developed programs and tools that help everyday kiwis who expect more out of life to succeed sooner.

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Carol Fee

Carol Fee

Carol is our Operations & Compliance Manager and has 30 years of experience within the NZ Financial Services sector. She has worked in Wealth Management, International Trade & Finance, general banking and insurance admin roles.

Carol’s role with us sees her utilising her strong organisational skills & client focus to ensure WISEplanning runs efficiently & smoothly while ensuring industry compliance requirements are met.

Outside of work, this born and bred Cantabrian is a regular at the gym and yoga studio. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends – especially over a coffee.

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Sean Yang

Sean is the Portfolio Coordinator for Clients at WISEplanning and brings his enthusiasm, professionalism and well developed customer service skills to the role. Sean was born in Beijing, China and obtained his Bachelor Degree in Economics (majored in Statistics) in China and Graduated Diploma in Accounting and Finance at University of Canterbury.


Sean has worked in the finance sector specialising in Investment Advisory for more than 10 years. He is experienced in dealing with clients’ queries and providing support to Financial Advisers.


He is an organised person with a strong customer focus. Sean enjoys spending time with his two daughters, wife, family and friends. He has a passion for sports such as soccer, badminton and swimming and really enjoys dealing with people.

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Regan Hines

Regan Hines is the Operations Manager at WISEplanning, bringing extensive experience in marketing for organisations across New Zealand and Australia. Having managed teams and developed business relationships in roles at the Christchurch City Mission and Cholmondeley Children's Centre, Regan's expertise lies in partnerships and marketing within both the corporate and NGO sectors.

Regan's passion for helping organisations make a positive impact in the community aligns perfectly with WISEplanning's vision of ensuring enough money for everything and enough time for everything that matters. Currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Canterbury, Regan is dedicated to continuous learning and professional growth. Additionally, Regan serves on the board of Horizons Trust and enjoys volunteering for various charities.

Outside of work, Regan enjoys studying history and cherishing moments with friends and family.

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Kim MacKenzie

Kim has been with WISEplanning since mid 2016 and is our Client Services Specialist. She brings enthusiasm for customer service, professionalism, good time management and efficiencies to the role.


Kim and her husband have been based in Christchurch for over 20 years and originated from Central Otago where they both grew up. They have three teenagers so Kim know’s first hand how busy managing life, money, kids and family can be.


Kim enjoy’s spending time with family and friends, should do more exercise than she does and recently brought a bach where her family and friends are now creating time spent memories that she hopes will carry her kids through to adulthood.

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Sarah Talbot WISEPlanning Adviser

Sarah Talbot

Sarah is one of our trusted Financial Advisers here at WISEplanning.


Sarah joined us from a background in Property, specifically Residential Property Management, where she managed a busy property portfolio in Christchurch with multiple property investors. Sarah also currently holds a license as a Real Estate Salesperson. Sarah is an investor herself and purchased her first home at the age of 18. She has excellent communication skills and the drive to want to help and see others succeed.


Sarah has completed a New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (level 5), completing the investment strand of the certificate. With strong ambition, Sarah is actively seeking to learn all she can about the teachings at Wiseplanning regarding financial wellness.


Sarah grew up on a sheep and beef farm in the Wairarapa, before moving to Christchurch to be closer to the great outdoors Canterbury has to offer. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys spending time with her young family, running, skiing, tramping, reading and gardening.


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Natasha Melley

Natasha Melley

Natasha brings her passion for building strong client relationships to WISEplanning as our Client Services Specialist.


Natasha moved from San Francisco to Christchurch in 2022. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University and spent more than a decade working in pharmaceutical market research. Since returning to the workforce, after raising her children, Natasha has used her client-focused skills in real estate, home building and now financial services.


Natasha loves spending time exploring Christchurch and the greater New Zealand area with her husband, two children and new puppy. She is on a mission to complete one Great Walk per year! Biking, walking, reading, gardening, hitting the gym and organizing closets are among her favourite hobbies.

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Sharon Becker

Sharon Becker

Sharon is the Investment Administrator at WISEplanning. Her role is primarily to provide support to the Portfolio Coordinator and Operations Manager, with maintenance of compliance requirements and responding to client enquiries being her main focus each day.


Sharon’s background is in the banking industry with a strong customer service focus. She enjoys problem solving and helping support people to meet their financial goals.


Sharon has spent the last four years living in Christchurch with her husband and their three young children, after moving from Wellington. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, crafting and exploring Christchurch’s many parks and walks with her family.

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