To really get what you want… How much do you really WANT it?
My theme recently revolves around the idea of “How much do I (you) want it?”
What are you prepared to fight for? What are your most serious BIG picture goals more important than?
Think for a moment about what you really want (BIG picture – beyond this year, beyond even the next 10 years). The thing here is that what you do this year will either take away from or contribute to those BIG picture goals.
So, a bit of focus this year is a good thing. That’s why this question deserves an answer now.
What are your BIG picture goals more important than?
Check this out.
Thinking beyond today, this week, what feels good now is standard operating procedure for you because you are clear on what you really want.
So, what are your BIG picture goals more important than? (e.g. sleeping in, instant gratification…)
Go ahead … Make your own list … Invest a couple of minutes … Do it NOW …