Passive Income
Let’s face it, money is only a means to an end. Money does not define who we are, it’s just that it’s the currency of life. Sure, you can be happy without it.
In fact studies show that having heaps of it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be any happier.[1]
Other studies show though that most people suffer anxiety and stress around money because they don’t have enough of it.[2]
So … How Do We Get Enough?
The Sustainable Wealth Model aims to help individuals generate funds sufficient for their needs, that way you have a proven and reliable investing eco-system that will help you to grow enough money, keeping it secure along the way, regardless of economic conditions.
How Does Passive Income Look?
For our clients and for those who are successful it does not look like interest coming off term deposits that sit in a bank.
Imagine for a moment $3,000 coming into your bank account every week forever, regardless of economic conditions.
Imagine too, if ten years later it was no longer $3,000 coming into your bank account but $6,000 coming in every week.
In our opinion, successful investors are those who invest for both income and growth. They understand the value of diversification and do not rely solely on income.”
Like to engineer passive income of $3,000 per week, every week, regardless of economic conditions?