“Enough money for everything, enough time for everyone”

The WISEplanning vision statement

Programs vs Services

WISEplanning has been helping kiwis, just like you, for over 35 years.


Programs at WISEplanning:

  • The Lifestyle Positioner (TLP) (emphasis on planning)
  • The Money Matrix (TMM) (planning, mindset alignment and investing)
  • Wise Asset Management (WAM) (investing only)


Services at WISEplanning:

  • Bridge to WAM (emphasis on investment advice)
  • WAM Admin Plus (some investment advice and administration)
  • WAM Admin (administration only)


Your money. Your life. Your money… your life (?)

Your life and your ‘money’ (savings / investments / financial planning) are strongly linked.

In many ways, your money is your life.  Money helps determine your level of choice, your options, your quality of life.

Your life (your attitude, motivation, conditioning, lifestyle, habits, knowledge, mindset) is your money too and helps determine how much money you have at your disposal – now and in the future.

The biggest reason people don’t have enough money here in NZ (and all around the world too)??


People are just too busy living life day to day, too busy to accumulate enough money for later – crazy right!?



It takes a bit more time to generate a lot more wealth.  Not much more time than you currently allocate to your financial future, because it’s not what you do with money but how you do it. 
Doing some money things differently (possibly just outside of your current view) is all it takes (rather than lots of your time).  You do not need lots of money to get started.


The good news

Think about what you have achieved in life so far.  That’s a lot.

You have had to overcome tough times and difficult situations along the way.

We know at WISEplanning that when your mindset is in the right place, you already have the capability to be materially more successful.

Add some specific resources to your existing platform of capability, then more money and a better quality life with a lot more options moves from possible to probable.


Are you getting the right help?

One of the common problems that many people face is that they unwittingly undertake a simplistic, transactional approach to money and getting ahead.

This is a difficult way to get ahead but very common (see the black and dark blue segments in the diagram below).


The Point:

The key point here is that it is not what you do (with your money / planning / investing) it is how you go about it.  Here’s proof: Lots of people save in Kiwisaver, invest in property, invest in the share market, get into business, deposit money in term deposits. Why is it then, that every second or third person you know is not a multimillionaire and truly financially independent?   How can that be?


‘Financial Services’

Tend to be somewhat simplistic and revolve around financial transactions (e.g. save money, pay down debt, maybe buy a rental property).

WISEplanning - Are You Getting The Right Help? To achieve your dream retirement, pay off your mortgage and have a successful investment portfolio you need to get the right financial advice.

The diagram above shows different approaches to money, financial planning and personal economic development.  The further to the right, the more advanced and the more effective.

The further to the right on the graph above, the more effective you will be – yes, I just repeated that.  It is important.



Offer more advanced help, (thinking tools, upskilling, proven methods, advanced financial advice).

Programs can help improve the probability of success for those difficult to achieve big picture goals (education funding, travel, financial independence, dream house, bach, help others …).

Programs at WISEplanning deliver improved financial progress at a faster pace (compared to standard financial planning methods and the usual transactional approach).

Better quality financial planning means more effective positioning. That means better quality outcomes.


Investor or planner?

Which one are you?

  • You have money to invest now ($100,000 plus) – You are an investor (planning may also be useful);
  • You need to get the money to invest. You do NOT have the money to invest now.  You need to get started / progress further – you are a planner (you may have between $0.00 to $100,000 to invest)

Whichever way you fall (investor or planner), WISEplanning provide a range of help and support.

We have several options.  That means you can select the right fit for you.  The right fit matches costs, fees, administration, time and effort to your goals, the required progress and the required outcomes. This also improves your money / planning efficiency and helps maximise your efforts and your progress.

WISEplanning - Are You Getting The Right Help? To achieve your dream retirement, pay off your mortgage and have a successful investment portfolio you need to get the right financial advice.

The further to the right, the more advanced and the more effective the planning / positioning / investing.  You will want to operate in the green segments if you are serious about real financial independence and best results.



Programs help people to take big steps toward their most important big picture goals.

To be clear, programs (the light green and dark green segments in the graph above) provide help and support you well beyond paying down debt, saving money, confusing transactions with strategy (the dark blue segment in the graph above, 2nd from the left).


Programs at WISEplanning:

  • The Lifestyle Positioner (emphasis on planning)
  • The Money Matrix (planning, mindset alignment and investing)
  • Wise Asset Management (WAM) (investing only)

Most Kiwi’s (actually, it is the same the world over), operate in the black and dark blue segments (in the graph above).

A few in the orange segment.

Very few in the two green segments.  The green segments are where most of your progress will be found (that’s where the real money ‘lives’).

Personal financial advice and small business help is delivered through our programs, developed ‘in house’ at WISEplanning over 35+ years – made in NZ ?

As a client you are supported by the team at WISEplaning including a Financial Adviser as your coach and mentor.  They do the heavy lifting to make it easy for you to succeed.

Behind the scenes there is also a dedicated team of specialists who care about your success.  You have access to them.  They are there to carefully guide you through your program of choice and help you along the way.

Our programs are designed to give everyday people a bigger hand up – more advanced help (well beyond transactions).

They are a great opportunity to gain personal growth and development, to get the most from your money efforts and out of the financial advice you receive.


Programs are designed to take you beyond financial transactions.

This is important because, when you are serious about those difficult to achieve big picture goals (most people struggle with them), you can go further with more effective financial planning.



Services tend to be transactional by nature (money transactions).

Programs are transformational.  Quality programs link methodology, research and mindset to money and financial transactions.  This can be a game changer and also life changing.

Services revolve around financial transactions.

For example, save money in a bank account or Kiwisaver, set up power of attorney and wills, purchase an investment property, invest in shares, get into business, pay down debt.  Transactions.


Services at WISEplannning:

  • Bridge to WAM (emphasis on investment advice)
  • WAM Admin Plus (some investment advice and administration)
  • WAM Admin (administration only)


At WISEplanning it’s all about financial independence …

on purpose, by design.

It is about getting started, achieving your goals and all the important pieces of the money / life puzzle in between ( it’s not about transactions).

We offer a number of different programs depending on your needs.  For example:

  • Desired outcomes medium term / long term
  • Cashflow management
  • Investment portfolio size
  • Just getting started
  • Progressing further
  • Mindset alignment
  • Debt efficiency structuring
  • Lifestyle Risk Management Plan for when bad things happen
  • Education funding,
  • Lifestyle funding: travel, car, wardrobe, holiday, children, bach, eating out, movies / shows, wardrobe,
  • Financial Independence (because retirement planning is usually just not enough)
  • Asset ownership and control (wills, power of attorney, trusts …)

Lifetime goals require smart planning and positioning.  These goals take many years to achieve.  Our programs generally require a 12 month commitment, which can be renewed each year.  That means you are in control.


The Lifestyle Positioner Program

Those that are determined to progress more effectively, to get ahead, would benefit from a program that includes a full financial assessment and a properly developed plan for success, The Lifestyle Positioner is a good fit.

This program is about setting you up to achieve the lifestyle that you would have, if money was no object.

This is financial planning beyond the usual ‘retirement planning’ approach to ‘old age’.



It is difficult to be financially safe, just owning your own home and having only $750,000 available to generate enough passive income for life. Yet, that is where many finish. Some a bit ahead of that.  Others, not so much.


The Lifestyle Positioner is ideal for those who can benefit from a comprehensive personalised financial plan, review of their financial foundations, starting with the basics such as cash flow management, debt structuring, risk management and general estate planning.

  • The Lifestyle Positioner program progresses to the development of a tailored financial plan to achieve the lifestyle that you have been thinking about and that, deep down, you know you want.
  • Also this program can help set you up with all the planning and ‘financial equipment’ (calculators, spreadsheets, financial advice, guidance) that you need to target your preferred lifestyle, where having enough money is no longer a problem.
  • To get the most out of this two year program, we suggest completing the first year, then carrying on to complete the second. The first 12 months are designed to ensure you have a solid foundation in place first.  You can then build on your plan and your new investment knowledge from there.
  • In addition, help with investment advice on an investment portfolio of up to $100,000 is included within the program. If need be, we will show you how to start your $100,000 portfolio from the absolute beginning – from ‘scratch’, from $0.00.
  • WISEplanning are able to design, implement, manage and report on your investment portfolio on your behalf, making it easy for you. You own your investments (not WISEplanning).  We administrate, advise and support – make it easy.
  • In addition we can also provide general assistance with residential property investing, self employment and small business (significant small business assistance is available in The GOLD Stream of The Money MATRIX program – see below).
  • That is a lot of help all in one place which makes for a coordinated approach (avoids piece meal, adhoc planning). That means more efficient planning and better positioning.

Download The Lifestyle Positioner brochure here …


The Money MATRIX Program.

The Money MATRIX is a financial independence eco-system.  It includes mindset / behavioural alignment and more advanced investing (without the risk) to facilitate progress, at pace.
A program designed for progressive everyday Kiwi’s, it takes financial planning and positioning to a more advanced and more effective level.  Ideal for those who demand more out of life, more from themselves and who are determined to achieve their big picture lifetime goals.


There are three streams in The Money MATRIX Program
  • The ACTION Stream – getting started, but on a more advanced level straight away.
  • The FOCUS Stream – includes The Action Stream with increased FOCUS, bigger results, faster.
  • The GOLD Stream – includes The Focus Stream plus business (get into business, improve your existing business, groom your business for sale).


The Money MATRIX includes The Lifestyle Positioner.  This comprehensive program is delivered step by step to help you set up your tailored financial plan, re-engineer your thinking / modify your behaviour.  This means a shift in your mindset so that you become confident planning and investing on a more effective level.   You will know how to get enough money (enough assets and enough passive income).

  • This is not a quick fix, but money will then work for you in the future (grow and generate passive income). You will have the choice – to work or not (standard retirement planning widely available, does not always deliver that choice).
  • The program is a combination of financial advice, upskilling and enablement through a suite of tools, methods and support, along with experience that you gain as you go along.
  • Also to give you a greater understanding about the role of mindset and how it can help you make more progress toward your most important big picture goals, at a faster pace.
  • The Money MATRIX program offers four levels. Each level usually takes 12 months to complete and each builds onto the next. You progress at a pace that suits you.
  1. Level one: Master the basics – control over your time and your life, develop your problem solving skill set, learn how to invest profitably, reliably.
  2. Level two: Transition from transactions: Progress at a faster pace as you build on Level One.
  3. Level three: The greatest progress that you will ever make – one big step foward for you in the next 12 months.
  4. Level four: Become The Integrated Individual (i3). Discuss a bespoke program – tailored to help you achieve more

The Money MATRIX program is about money (assets, passive income) and you … and your life


The Money MATRIX Program is about financial independence.

  • Financial independence is about having enough money for everything, enough time for everyone. We suggest $3,000,000 (in addition to your home) as a starting point for further discussion.
  • That means financial security and choice beyond the usual limiting retirement planning approach (not enough money, limited choice, somewhat comfortable but feeling uncomfortable).
  • You will see how to apply what you have learned using effective methodology that works. You will have experiences that build knowledge and confidence.  This will mean that you are able to engage in more advanced planning and investing – its more effective.

Download The Money MATRIX ACTION Stream brochure here …

Download The Money MATRIX FOCUS Stream brochure here …


It’s how, not what

It’s not what you do with your money (transactions) but how you plan (positioning) and how you invest (directly into investments, avoiding ‘middleman’ costs and unnecessary diversification, as a value investor).

The program provides regular communication as well as ongoing support so that you can learn / plan / invest / progress at your own pace, but in a supportive environment with a level of accountability.

The Money MATRIX program also includes investment advice on investments applicable to your situation. For example we can design, build and manage a direct share portfolio for you ( e.g. up to $100,000 in The ACTION Stream of The Money MATRIX). Easy. Done 4 you. In addition to all the other resources and part of the program.


Investment Portfolio Management

Wise Asset Management (WAM)  – an investment program for investors investing $100,000 or more.  It includes ongoing management and investment advice (available to new and existing clients). The green segments in the graph below.

The Bridge to WAM – an investment service for investors investing $50,000 – $100,000 that includes ongoing management and advice (available to existing clients only). The orange segment in the graph below.

WAMadmin Plus – an investment service that excludes ongoing management but includes advice once per year (available to existing clients only). The dark blue and orange segments below.

WAMadmin – an investment administration service that excludes ongoing management and excludes investment advice (available to existing clients only). The black and dark blue segments in the graph below

WISEplanning - Are You Getting The Right Help? To achieve your dream retirement, pay off your mortgage and have a successful investment portfolio you need to get the right financial advice.

The black, dark blue and orange segments represent services – transactional with limited or no advice (based on transactions, rather than method).  The two green segments represent programs – sharper focus on investing methodology and investor advancement to generate improved investment performance long term.

Our Investment Portfolio Management programs and services offer a range of options to help you have confidence in your investments. That way you get better outcomes because you know your investments are secure and you are looking at investing opportunity – not distracted by worry.

They also make it easy – done for you.  Our purpose designed investment portfolios are profitable, grow and compound long term (after fees and tax).

Fees are based on the simplicity of the service or the value of the investment program.

Your investment portfolio is set up and managed based on your requirements, your investment risk preferences and your investment goals.

WISEplanning manage your portfolio day to day, reporting and providing recommendations regularly.

You can log onto your portfolio 24/7 from anywhere in the world.  Financial reporting is totally transparent,  in real time and down to the cent.

Often our clients move across to these investment management programs and services from The Lifestyle Positioner program and The Money MATRIX program.

Once a member of any WISEplanning program or service, you can move freely across to any other program or service – no prequalifying or set up costs required.

We offer various levels of support, depending on what your needs are, and how much advice you may want (if any), and the size of your investment portfolio.

The investment management program includes an internal alert system so that we can keep you fully up to date with any portfolio adjustments that are required.  We watch over your portfolio so that you have the choice (to look at it or not).  You can concentrate on important things elsewhere.

These programs include the use of the MMC Wealth Administration wrap account or FNZ / Consilium wrap account platform. These platforms offer online access to portfolio reports and the annual tax report each year automatically.

You also have access to the WISEplanning team for any technical and admin support with the MMC Wealth Administration wrap account or FNZ / Consilium wrap account platform if required, as well as investment placement and implementation – done for you.

Download The WISE ASSET MANAGEMENT (WAM) Program brochure here …


Passive monthly income from The CASH Tap

WISEplanning clients use The CASH Tap System.  It is referred to as a system because it consists of a number of components that when combined together, creates the ‘package’ or the system.

It creates regular monthly income and protects that income from market and economic conditions.

  • Our clients like this system because they receive regular income, regardless of market conditions.
  • In addition, they can also take ad-hoc lumpsum withdrawals from time to time.
  • Further, the portfolio can also continue to grow.
  • WISEplanning manage this system (under The Wise Asset Management program), reporting back to you when necessary.


First contact with WISEplanning and what to expect

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can improve your personal economic development and get ahead faster, or to invest, please just get in touch.

In our initial phone call, we will take your details, answer any questions and get a basic idea of what you are looking for and what your needs may be.

This initial phone call with a member of our team helps to establish if and / or how we might be able to help you.

If we think we can help you, we can then book a phone appointment with a financial adviser to speak to you directly.

Because we are a financial service provider, by law we are required to send you a copy of our disclosure statements which you will receive via email.

After the phone call with our adviser, and if you agree, we can provide you with access to more detailed information and the option to book a 60 minute meeting with the financial adviser.

You’ll also have access to a confidential questionnaire outlining your personal situation and goals or an investment risk profile.  This is all done through an online programme, called The FIMO Briefing Programme.

The fee is $350 for the FIMO Briefing Programme which covers part of the cost of the adviser’s time for up to one hour, advice tailored to your situation and access to important information about methodology, payable before getting access to the online programme.


“We only want to be certain things to certain people – not all things to everyone. 

We may suggest another option for you if we don’t think we can help you – before you part with $350.”

Peter Flannery – Financial Adviser


To be clear, The FIMO Briefing process is about sharing key initiatives that are relevant to your future goals and objectives along with important financial advice, before you engage fully with WISEplanning.

Time is important for us all.  This meeting can be in person, Zoom or phone, whatever suits you.


Quality effort = quality outcomes

Planning and positioning requires good preparation for the achievement of your biggest, most challenging goals.  Before the meeting we will ensure you are fully prepared.  That way you get the most out of the meeting, the information and financial advice.

By completing the online course fully, you will learn the key initiatives that enable ‘ordinary people’ to achieve advanced results.  You will gain insights into how our clients position for well above average financial outcomes.

This mini-course is packed with information about how you can also advance your current financial and investment planning.

It will help you to understand more fully what we do, how we can help you but more importantly, let you see the significant opportunity that you have by making some changes to how you plan, position and invest.

This is not just about reading stuff.  You will be able to complete a questionnaire so that when you meet with the financial adviser, they will be able to deliver ideas and advice specific to your goals and plans.  We are here to help – not just talk.

We may check in with you as to how you are getting on with the course / questionnaire, and to see if you need any help or have any questions.  Please feel free to contact us if we can help.

Once you have the meeting with the financial adviser, you can consider the information you have received and what you have learned.

You can then choose to more fully engage with WISEplanning or not, but what we know is that after going through the online process, you will be clear on what makes sense for you.


WISEplanning continues to evolve.


Our clients continue to evolve.


Their personal economic development gets better and better, more effective.


Their wealth continues to grow and compound.


They are financially secure now, or on track – on purpose, by design. 

Want to take a step closer to Financial Independence?

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Peter Flannery - WISEplanning - Authorised Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Planner - New Zealand

Peter Flannery

“Helping everyday Kiwis who expect more … to live their lives the way they want”


Peter was raised on the family farm in Kamahi, near Edendale in Southland. He is an investor, business owner and a first generation financial adviser, having entered financial services in 1983 in Southland.


Peter now lives in Christchurch with his family. His hobbies include family time, spending time with friends, exercise, reading a good novel and time on the deck at the bach.


Peter founded WISEplanning in 1987. His 500 clients live across New Zealand and a few overseas. The ongoing expansion of WISEplanning now includes offices in Invercargill, Christchurch (HQ) and Auckland.


Peter is known among his clients for challenging common practice and conventional methodology.


He argues “People tend to follow the crowd, which is interesting, because most people are both time poor and money poor, so why follow them?”


He is known to many around New Zealand as one of few to warn in 2004 of the coming global financial crisis (The GFC) that suddenly erupted in 2008. His views were considered controversial at the time. Peter credits Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger for his most useful learning’s about investing.


Peter believes education continues throughout life. Some highlights from his recent continuing education include:


• The formal Financial Adviser training through Massey University in Palmerston North,


• The Entrepreneurial Coaching program through The Strategic Coach in Vancouver, Canada,


• The Business Owner/Manager Program through The Icehouse in New Zealand,


• The Peak Performance Program through Glazer Kennedy, Baltimore, USA


• The High Performance Program through The Elite Professionals Program in New Zealand


• The Experts Academy through Brendon Burchard, Sydney, Australia


• The Millionaire Mentor Program through Scott Harris, The Gold Coast, Australia.


As an investor, he is regularly researching markets and analysing potential investment opportunities and likes to point out to anyone who will listen that discipline around the investment method is key to success.


Peter has developed programs and tools that help everyday kiwis who expect more out of life to succeed sooner.

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Carol Fee

Carol Fee

Carol is our Operations & Compliance Manager and has 30 years of experience within the NZ Financial Services sector. She has worked in Wealth Management, International Trade & Finance, general banking and insurance admin roles.

Carol’s role with us sees her utilising her strong organisational skills & client focus to ensure WISEplanning runs efficiently & smoothly while ensuring industry compliance requirements are met.

Outside of work, this born and bred Cantabrian is a regular at the gym and yoga studio. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends – especially over a coffee.

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Sean Yang

Sean is the Portfolio Coordinator for Clients at WISEplanning and brings his enthusiasm, professionalism and well developed customer service skills to the role. Sean was born in Beijing, China and obtained his Bachelor Degree in Economics (majored in Statistics) in China and Graduated Diploma in Accounting and Finance at University of Canterbury.


Sean has worked in the finance sector specialising in Investment Advisory for more than 10 years. He is experienced in dealing with clients’ queries and providing support to Financial Advisers.


He is an organised person with a strong customer focus. Sean enjoys spending time with his two daughters, wife, family and friends. He has a passion for sports such as soccer, badminton and swimming and really enjoys dealing with people.

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Regan Hines

Regan Hines is the Operations Manager at WISEplanning, bringing extensive experience in marketing for organisations across New Zealand and Australia. Having managed teams and developed business relationships in roles at the Christchurch City Mission and Cholmondeley Children's Centre, Regan's expertise lies in partnerships and marketing within both the corporate and NGO sectors.

Regan's passion for helping organisations make a positive impact in the community aligns perfectly with WISEplanning's vision of ensuring enough money for everything and enough time for everything that matters. Currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Canterbury, Regan is dedicated to continuous learning and professional growth. Additionally, Regan serves on the board of Horizons Trust and enjoys volunteering for various charities.

Outside of work, Regan enjoys studying history and cherishing moments with friends and family.

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Kim MacKenzie

Kim has been with WISEplanning since mid 2016 and is our Client Services Specialist. She brings enthusiasm for customer service, professionalism, good time management and efficiencies to the role.


Kim and her husband have been based in Christchurch for over 20 years and originated from Central Otago where they both grew up. They have three teenagers so Kim know’s first hand how busy managing life, money, kids and family can be.


Kim enjoy’s spending time with family and friends, should do more exercise than she does and recently brought a bach where her family and friends are now creating time spent memories that she hopes will carry her kids through to adulthood.

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Sarah Talbot WISEPlanning Adviser

Sarah Talbot

Sarah is one of our trusted Financial Advisers here at WISEplanning.


Sarah joined us from a background in Property, specifically Residential Property Management, where she managed a busy property portfolio in Christchurch with multiple property investors. Sarah also currently holds a license as a Real Estate Salesperson. Sarah is an investor herself and purchased her first home at the age of 18. She has excellent communication skills and the drive to want to help and see others succeed.


Sarah has completed a New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (level 5), completing the investment strand of the certificate. With strong ambition, Sarah is actively seeking to learn all she can about the teachings at Wiseplanning regarding financial wellness.


Sarah grew up on a sheep and beef farm in the Wairarapa, before moving to Christchurch to be closer to the great outdoors Canterbury has to offer. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys spending time with her young family, running, skiing, tramping, reading and gardening.


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Natasha Melley

Natasha Melley

Natasha brings her passion for building strong client relationships to WISEplanning as our Client Services Specialist.


Natasha moved from San Francisco to Christchurch in 2022. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University and spent more than a decade working in pharmaceutical market research. Since returning to the workforce, after raising her children, Natasha has used her client-focused skills in real estate, home building and now financial services.


Natasha loves spending time exploring Christchurch and the greater New Zealand area with her husband, two children and new puppy. She is on a mission to complete one Great Walk per year! Biking, walking, reading, gardening, hitting the gym and organizing closets are among her favourite hobbies.

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Sharon Becker

Sharon Becker

Sharon is the Investment Administrator at WISEplanning. Her role is primarily to provide support to the Portfolio Coordinator and Operations Manager, with maintenance of compliance requirements and responding to client enquiries being her main focus each day.


Sharon’s background is in the banking industry with a strong customer service focus. She enjoys problem solving and helping support people to meet their financial goals.


Sharon has spent the last four years living in Christchurch with her husband and their three young children, after moving from Wellington. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, crafting and exploring Christchurch’s many parks and walks with her family.

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